Rancang Bangun Station Charging Handphone Berbasis Arduino


Joni Berkat Hulu1, San Herif Zalukhu2, Windrotinus Wis Agusman Hulu3.


  1. Dr, David JM Sembiring, M.Kom
  2. Meiliyani Br Ginting, M.Kom




Seringkali pengguna handphone menghadapi masalah kehabisan daya baterai saat berada diluar rumah atau tempat umum. Sehingga station charging menjadi solusi yang sangat dibutuhkan. Keberadaan station charging saat ini sering kali tidak efektif dan kurang aman, resiko kehilangan atau pencurian saat pengisian daya sangat mungkin terjadi. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk merancang station charging handphone yang efektif dan aman dengan memanfaatkan teknologi mikrokontroler berbasis arduino. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membangun station charging handphone berbasis arduino sebagai tempat pengisian ulang daya baterai handphone ditempat umum, Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan perancangan station charging handphone berbasis arduino ini adalah metode literatur, metode konsultasi dan metode observasi (metode pengumpulan data dengan cara mengamati, meninjau dan membuat secara langsung di lokasi penelitian). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka station charging handphone berbasis arduino dapat digunakan sebagai station charging ditempat-tempat umum, dengan menawarkan nilai keamanan saat pengisian daya dan kestabilan tegangan arus saat pengisian daya handphone. Hal ini dikarenakan peneliti menggunakan sensor dan kartu sebagai akses untuk membuka dan menutup pintu station charging. Kemudian peneliti juga menggunakan transformator stepdown yang memiliki keunggulan dimana besar tegangan output tidak berubah (stabil) walaupun tegangan input naik. Dari hasil pengamatan dan penelitian, penulis menyarankan adanya pengembangan desain dan tata letak komponen yang lebih sederhana dan menarik bagi user, serta penambahan komponen penyimpan daya listrik ketika aliran listrik berhenti/padam.

Kata Kunci: Station Charging Handphone, Arduino, Sensor



Often mobile phone users face the problem of running out of battery power when outside the home or in public places. So that the charging station becomes a much- needed solution. The existence of charging stations today is often ineffective and less safe, the risk of loss or theft while charging is very possible. This is what underlies the author to design an effective and safe mobile phone charging station by utilizing Arduino-based microcontroller technology. The purpose of this study is to design and build an Arduino-based mobile phone charging station as a place to recharge mobile phone batteries in public places. The methods used in the research and design of this Arduino-based mobile phone charging station are literature methods, consultation methods and observation methods (data collection methods by observing, reviewing and making directly at the research location). Based on the results of the study, the Arduino-based mobile phone charging station can be used as a charging station in public places, by offering security values when charging and voltage stability when charging mobile phones. This is because researchers use sensors and cards as access to open and close the charging station door. Then the researcher also used a stepdown transformer which has the advantage that the output voltage does not change (stable) even though the input voltage increases. From the results of observations and research, the author suggests the development of a simpler and more attractive component design and layout for users, as well as the addition of electrical power storage components when the electricity stops/goes out.

Keywords: Station Charging Handphone, Arduino, Sensor

Status Publikasi


Bab I


Bab II


Bab IV

Bab V


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